
Why you should plan your next date night

*Guest post

When was the last time you went on a date with your partner? For most people in committed relationships, date night can feel like a thing of the past – a hark back to your first days together, as you were just getting to know each other. But date nights during a long-term relationship should only become more important, not less!

Couple kissing in the street

According to most researchers, the honeymoon phase of a relationship generally lasts anywhere between 6 months to 2 years. After this period, couples that manage to stay together can often feel the romance slowly slip away, Life settles into a routine with your partner and date night falls down the list of priorities – after all, you already know each other well!

But date nights are one of the best ways to guarantee special, quality time together. Making time for each other despite your chaotic and busy lives has been proven to have a multitude of positive effects on your relationship, including improving your emotional connectedness, intimacy and passion. So to get you started, here’s three easy tips to having great date nights:

Plan in advance

The decision to order pizza for dinner and eat it in front of the TV doesn’t count as a date. To really spend quality time together, make sure to plan your date in advance so you can also savour the excitement leading up to it. Ideally, schedule a recurrently monthly date night which both of you can commit to.

Look the part

Dress up nicer, put on your special perfume/cologne, and make your partner feel special. It’ll allow you to connect in a more intimate way than your usual daily lives allow – so the more effort you put into it, the greater the reward!

Make it different

It can be easy to just book your favourite restaurant for dinner, but to get the most emotional value out of your date, find something different to do together. Sharing new experiences is integral to strengthening your relationship as it allows you to connect differently and make unique memories together. The list of options is never-ending: from escape rooms to cocktail masterclasses, from seeing a show to going bowling, there are always new activities to try together. And if you’re looking to have your special date from home, you can always try an indoor date box.

Regardless of how long you’ve been together, regular date nights will keep your relationship feeling fresh, fun and exciting. And if you follow these tips, you’ll be on your way to a happy and fulfilling journey with your partner for many years to come!

About the author

Caroline H. is the founder of Box42 – a date night subscription box in the UK. A scientist with a penchant for date ideas, she started Box42 to help bring couples closer together.

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29 thoughts on “Why you should plan your next date night

  1. Great post! I definitely agree that couples should never stop dating. Although covid-19 has really put a damper on a lot of the options. But I’m a big fan of trying new things together. Can’t wait to have a few more options again!


  2. It’s so important to make time for regular date nights. My boyfriend and I are currently long-distance which makes it harder for us to do date nights now, but it’s definitely something we’re trying to make more time for. Before we became long-distance we would go for dates every week!!

    Roni |


  3. Definitely a great idea, I’ll have to take this on board and see if I can impress the other half, 👀😂 we do try, but it’s difficult at the best of times, this year even more so.


  4. It’s so important to be able to take time out and just spend it with your significant. Life can get in the way sometimes, so it’s nice to just take a step back, isn’t it? Great ideas!

    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics


  5. I love date night and even in lockdown, we kept things different with zoom nights, games etc. Dating is hard enough withought social distancing rule and closures but it is really important to have date nights!

    Em |


  6. My boyfriend is super anxious in social situations so we’ve never had a date that wasn’t in one of our flats, in the moment you don’t feel like you’re missing out until you look at it from an outsiders perspective and you realise that it’s quite odd. I don’t know how to go around fixing it though.


  7. My husband and I haven’t had a date night for such a long time as life has been rather stressful of late because of some health stuff going on, but I think planning one that we can have at home might be a really great idea. Nice post!


  8. I’ve been wanting to do a date night for a while now. I think this post was the push that I needed. I am going to set out to plan it soon. Thank you!


  9. Great tips! I know my husband and I need regular date nights but it always gets put on the back burner. Your post motivated me to start planning our next one!


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